Friday, June 29, 2012

It's been hot outside for a few days. It's the kind of heat that makes you think you could bake a cake if you let it in the car with the windows shut. It's also been storming at night, apocalypse style.
To celebrate this wonderful season, I decided to make some coffee flavored ice cream.

First important thing to know, since that's obviously my super cheap 90% off ice cream maker, I broke my ice cream maker. Never fear though, This nice little thing was in the attic waiting to get cleaned up and used.

2 cups of milk
2 cups half and half
4 cups heavey whipping cream
1 3/4 cups sugar
1/2 tsp salt
4 tsp instant coffee (I use a few packets of Starbucks VIA in Columbia roast)
Chocolate ships, if desired.

What to do:
1. Scald milk in pot.  You don't want it to boil, but it's going to have to disolve the sugar.
2. Add sugar, salt and coffee.  (The coffee dissolves better in hot liquids) stir until sugar dissolves.  Remove from heat.
3. Add whipping cream and half & half.  Stir together.
4, refrigerate for 15 to 20 minutes.
5. but mixture in ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's directions.
6. when motor stops, remove canister for frozen cream.  As you pour your ice cream into a storage container you can add your mix-ins.  I recommend making layers.
7. freeze until it's stiff enough to scoop.
8. Enjoy!

Helpful tips:
-Avoid getting water in the cream mixture.  The water will form little ice crystals in the ice cream 
- have enough ice to fill your ice cram maker tub at least 3 times. 
0Get your rock salt ahead of time.  Most hardware stores have it year round, just not on the shelf.  It's the same salt you use to salt your driveway in the winter.  It's cheaper at the hardware store.  For some reason mass retail stores charge triple of so for a tiny bag.

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